Top 10k strings from Star Trader (1984)(Bug-Byte Software)[a].tzx
in <root> / bin / z80 / software / Sinclair Spectrum Collection TOSEC.exe / Sinclair ZX Spectrum - Games / [TZX] /
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6 Press any key to continue 4 4 3 DDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDDD 2 w,w,w,w,w,w,w,wh&8 2 w,w,w,w,w,w,w,w 2 ,,,q,p,s,r 2 ,,,^,V,N,F 2 2 2 1 startraderR 1 ready for game 1 n n0n@nPn` 1 m m0m@mPm` 1 Strategy: Simulation 1 Star Trader 1 S:3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y 1 L3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y3Y 1 Js:JsALsAPsATsAXsA\s@es@is@ms@qs@usfFtfIt 1 If you get in too much trouble and you want to give up the current game, hold down 1 G()y,,,N,F,^,V 1 FTZXed by Andrew Barker 1 Do you pay their tax? 1 Decryption Tones$p 1 Decryption Tone created by Cristian Mircea Dinu 1 Bug-Byte Software Ltd 1 @`G`F`E`D`C`B`A`@@G@F@E@D@C@B@A@@ G F E D C B A @ 1 8|||8<~~~~<8| 1 22222222222$$$$$$$$)))@@@@@@@@@@)))$$$$$$$$--------)))@@@@@@@@@@)))---------------))))1111111111))))------- 1 ..**))))))))))////))))))))))) 1 . (You can change your mind before entering by pressing 1 . 1 ,,,^,V,N,F} 1 ))))))))))223232232322))))))))))22222222222 1 ))))))))))))))////))))))))))) 1 )))))))))))))))))))))))))**** 1 (uit) key." 1 '"When the program requests an amount (e.g. ""How many boxes of guns will you buy?"") simply typethe desired number and then press 1 '"To recover fitness, simply spend a couple of days lazing around, eating good food." 1 '"This simply means that you are given a choice of actions which may be selected by pressing a single key." 1 '"If you wish to put up a fight, you must purchase a laser and also buy some powerpacks for it from one of the ""General Stores"" in the game" 1 '"For those players not keen on space game action, don't worry, this may be avoided simply by not arming your cargo ship, in which case you must, however always surrender to pirate attacks." 1 &w.@6 #6!#6"#6 1 ####s#r#s#r 1 "You will also require a supply of food packs for your journey." 1 "To surrender in mid battle (recommended if your shields warning indicator begins to flash), simply press the 1 "This game requires the combined skills of a shrewd trader, and a fast trigger." 1 "The trading section of the game is ""menu"" based" 1 "Please press 1 "Don't scrimp on your meals, as you will only be allowed to take off from the Spaceport if you are totally fit. You will also lose strength if you are unlucky enough to be mugged." 1 "Do you require instructions?"'" (You will if you haven't played before)" 1 "At many places in the game an option ' 1 "(more powerpacks give you more fire power, up to a maximum of 15 packs)" 1 for report' is given, the report feature can be used to find out what items of cargo you have bought, and what the current stock market prices are on any of the planets in the game." 1 and ""Q"" together when you see any main (""you can go to"") menu" 1 SYMBOL SHIFT 1 (08@HPX`hpx